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Soybean Oil Solvent Extraction Plant

棕榈油精炼详情页_03.jpg Process of Soybean Oil Solvent Extraction Plant: 

It is based on the principle of solid-liquid extraction. It is a oil production process by the organic solvent (n-hexane) that can dissolve grease, through spraying and soaking soybean, and then extract soybean oil. 


棕榈油精炼详情页_03.jpg There is Soybean Oil Extraction Process of Soybean Oil Production Line:

soybean oil extraction.jpg


棕榈油精炼详情页_03.jpg The Basic Process of Soybean Oil Solvent Extraction Plant Can Be Divided Into 3 Stages:

01.jpg The oil on the surface of the soybean material diffuses into the solvent;

02.jpg As the oil concentration on the surface of the soybean billet decreases, under the action of the concentration gradient, the oil diffuses from the inner surface to the outer surface through the interface of the billet;

03.jpg The oil inside the soybean meal to the outside diffusion. These three stages influence each other and work together.

The soybean oil solvent extraction plant is also a mass transfer process. Its methods are mainly molecular diffusion and convection diffusion. Molecular diffusion is caused by the thermal movement of oil molecules. 

The oil molecules diffuse out of the soybean material through their own thermal movement, and continue to diffuse into the grease until dynamic equilibrium is reached; convective diffusion is similar to molecular diffusion, but it transfers in smaller volumes.

When the soybean meal is in contact with the solvent, the soybean oil is transferred from the soybean meal to the solvent according to the above three stages and two ways, and form mixture oil with the solvent. The soybean oil and the solvent are then separated by distillation, taking advantage of the different boiling points.


棕榈油精炼详情页_03.jpg Soybean Oil Solvent Extraction Plant Layout Concept:

01.jpg The soybean oil extraction plant is set up independently, and a non-combustible solid wall with a height of 1.5m is set up outside the outer wall of the workshop, which is parallel to the fire prevention zone.

02.jpg The soybean oil extraction plant uses reinforced concrete columns. When steel columns are used to bear the load, the steel columns are coated with a fireproof protective layer, and their fire resistance is not less than 1.5.

03.jpg The ground of the soybean oil extraction plant is equipped with a corresponding slope, and there are no pits or trenches. After the construction is completed, the pits and trenches opened during construction will be filled with fine sand and covered with a thin layer of cement.

04.jpg There are no offices, rest rooms, changing rooms, laboratories, or parts storage rooms in the soybean oil extraction plant.

05.jpg Soybean oil production machine and fire-fighting facilities are strictly in accordance with relevant standards.

06.jpg The design of the soybean oil solvent extraction plant is conducive to stable production, and the closed performance of the production system is reliable.


07.jpg The soybean oil solvent extraction plant are equipped with devices to facilitate sampling. The lower points of equipment, containers and pipes containing solvents are equipped with vent valves and steam cleaning inlets.

08.jpg The quality of electrical instruments and measuring instruments complies with relevant current domestic regulations. Its installation position and the position of the manual operating valve are convenient for operation, observation, inspection and maintenance. Pressure gauges and thermometers have dial diameters greater than 100 mm.

大豆油溶剂萃取---副本_36.jpg The quality, installation and use of soybean oil solvent extraction plant comply with relevant domestic and industry standards and regulations.

大豆油溶剂萃取---副本_38.jpg The layout of soybean oil solvent extraction plant is conducive to ventilation inside the workshop.



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