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Purchase of Cottonseed Oil Refining Machine

The oil content of cottonseed is about 20%~25. After detoxification, shelling, crushing, pressing and other processes, cottonseed oil can be extracted from it. Cottonseed oil contains a large amount of fatty acids required by the human body, and is very suitable for mixing with animal oil for consumption, but the cottonpol in cottonseed oil is one of the factors affecting the quality of cottonseed oil.

The cottonpol in cottonseed oil is a polyphenolic substance. Cottonpol is a toxic substance that can cause loss of appetite, neurological disorders, weight loss, and affect fertility. In order to ensure the normal consumption of cottonseed oil, the oil plant will use cottonseed oil refining machine to refine cottonseed oil, remove impurities and harmful substances in the oil, and sell it after it meets the national standard quality requirements.


During the cottonseed oil refining machine, since cottonpol is weakly acidic, it can react with alkali to form cottonpol sodium salt, which is soluble in water and insoluble in organic solvents. Therefore, it can be discharged through the alkali refining deacidification process, reacting with alkali during the deacidification process, and attached to the soap.

Cottonseed oil refining machine is a device for removing impurities such as phospholipids, pigments, odorous substances, moisture, free fatty acids, etc. from crude oil. It mainly includes degumming, deacidification, dehydration, decolorization, deodorization, dewaxing and other processes. It is the main equipment for improving the quality grade of oil. Cottonseed oil refining machine can be divided into three types: intermittent oil refining equipment, semi-continuous oil refining equipment and fully continuous oil refining equipment. These three types of cottonseed oil refining machine have different degrees of automation and are suitable for processing in oil mills with different outputs. Users can fully communicate with the manufacturer's sales staff before choosing the appropriate equipment type and model.





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